What is the difference between Palm Fruit and Palm Kernel Oils?

What is the difference between Palm Fruit and Palm Kernel Oils?

While palm fruit and palm kernel oils have noteworthy differences, the most important question is how and where these oils are sourced.  The organic, non-GMO certified palm fruit oil we use in all MELT products is sourced from Columbia (South America) and certified...
How to Make Lacto-Fermented Garlic

How to Make Lacto-Fermented Garlic

Raw garlic cloves can be harsh to eat. Eating raw garlic cloves upsets my stomach because of their intense heat. Enter lacto-fermented garlic! Naturally fermented garlic is an excellent way to enjoy raw garlic with all the enzymes and nutrients intact but full of...
Orange Ginger Beet Kvass

Orange Ginger Beet Kvass

Loaded with minerals, probiotics, and phytonutrients called betalains, Orange Ginger Beet Kvass is a serious contender in my Top 5 Best-Health-Foods-Ever list and could be the most potent fermented food I have discovered. Lisa’s Counter Culture book provides the best...