The Truth About Vanillin

Vanilla vs Vanillin

The demand for vanilla flavoring has largely exceeded the supply of vanilla beans. But, the process of getting natural vanillin is very time-consuming and expensive. As a result, chemically synthesized vanillin has been used widely as a substitution for natural vanilla flavoring. The ice cream and chocolate industries together make up 75% of the market demand. It is also used in confections, baked goods, perfume, medicines and cleaning products.

Synthetic vanillin is simply a cheap and unhealthy alternative for real vanilla extract. Today, the vast majority of synthetically produced vanillin is made from eugenol or guaiacol, petrochemicals which are often derived from from crude oil. A small amount of synthetic vanillin is produced from lignin waste, a by-product of the wood pulp industry.

Unfortunately, there is no nutrient, vitamin, mineral, or other health benefits in synthetic vanillin and studies show that consuming synthetic vanillin may trigger allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and migraine headaches. Furthermore, there is a lack of federal regulations for synthetic vanillin despite the fact that it is already commonly used as an artificial flavor.

The entire line of MELT Organic Spreads are free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Never had ’em, never will!